Adrenal gland - CDH16 negative adrenocortical adenoma.
Esophagus - CDH16 negative adenocarcinoma.
Kidney - Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma with strong CDH16 immunostaining of tumor cells (CDH16 immunohistochemistry)
Kidney - Clear cell renal cell carcinoma with weak to moderate CDH16 staining of a fraction of tumor cells (CDH16 immunohistochemistry).
Kidney - Oncocytoma with strong CDH16 immunostaining of tumor cells (CDH16 immunohistochemistry).
Kidney - Papillary renal cell carcinoma with weak CDH16 staining of most tumor cells (CDH16 immunohistochemistry).
Liver - CDH16 negative hepatocellular carcinoma.
Lung - CDH16 negative adenocarcinoma.
Lung - CDH16 negative small cell carcinoma.
Lung - CDH16 negative squamous cell carcinoma.
Lung - Neuroendocrine tumor showing strong CDH16 staining of tumor cells (CDH16 immunohistochemistry).
Lymph node - CDH16 negative Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Oral cavity - CDH16 negative squamous cell carcinoma.
Ovary - CDH16 negative serous high-grade carcinoma.
Ovary - Clear cell carcinoma with strong CDH16 immunostaining of tumor cells (CDH16 immunohistochemistry).
Ovary - Endometroid carcinoma with strong CDH16 immunostaining of tumor cells (CDH16 immunohistochemistry).
Pancreas - CDH16 negative neuroendocrine tumor.
Pancreas - Neuroendocrine tumor with moderate to strong CDH16 positivity of tumor cells (CDH16 immunohistochemistry)
Prostate - CDH16 negative adenocarcinoma (Gleason 3+3=6)
Salivary gland - CDH16 negative Warthin tumor.
Soft tissue - CDH16 negative leiomyosarcoma.
Soft tissue - CDH16 negative liposarcoma.
Stomach - CDH16 negative adenocarcinoma.
Stomach - CDH16 negative gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST).
Testis - CDH16 negative seminoma
Thyroid - CDH16 negative medullary carcinoma.
Thyroid - CDH16 negative papillary carcinoma invading CDH16 positive normal thyroid (CDH16 immunohistochemistry)
Thyroid - CDH16 staining is lacking in a papillary thyroid carcinoma but clearly visible in adjacent normal thyroid (CDH16 immunohistochemistry).
Thyroid - Complete lack of CDH16 staining in a follicular carcinoma (CDH16 immunohistochemistry)
Thyroid - Complete lack of CDH16 staining in a papillary carcinoma (CDH16 immunohistochemistry).
Thyroid - Follicular adenoma with strong CDH16 immunostaining of tumor cells (CDH16 immunohistochemistry).
Urinary bladder - CDH16 negative muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma.
Uterus - Endometroid endometrium carcinoma with weak to moderate CDH16 immunostaining of the majority of tumor cells (CDH16 immunohistochemistry).
Uterus, cervix - Adenocarcinoma with strong CDH16 staining in about 60_ of tumor cells (CDH16 immunohistochemistry).