Adrenal gland- Adrenocortical adenoma with only few MCM7 positive tumor cells
Anal canal- Squamous cell carcinoma showing MCM7 positivity in a large fraction of tumor cells, predominantly in the basal layers
Breast- Invasive breast cancer of no special type (NST) with moderate to strong MCM7 positivity of most tumor cells
Colon- Colorectal adenocarcinoma with a large fraction of MCM7 positive tumor cells
Esophagus- Squamous cell carcinoma showing strong nuclear MCM7 staining of most tumor cells
Kidney- Clear cell renal cell carcinoma containing only few MCM7 positive tumor cells
Liver- Hepatocellular carcinoma showing a weak to moderate MCM7 positivity in only a fraction of tumor cells
Lung- Strong MCM7 positivity in all tumor cells of a small cell carcinoma
Lymph node- B-CLL showing MCM7 positivity in a fraction of tumor cells
Lymph node- B-CLL showing MCM7 positivity in only a fraction of tumor cells
Lymph node- Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with moderate to strong MCM7 positivity of all tumor cells
Lymph node- Hodgkin’s lymphoma with strong MCM7 immunostaining of most neoplastic cells and of a fraction of associated inflammatory cells
Ovary- Serous high-grade carcinoma with strong MCM7 immunostaining of tumor cells
Pancreas- Ductal adenocarcinoma with MCM7 staining of a fraction of tumor cells
Pancreas- Neuroendocrine tumor containing only few MCM7 positive tumor cells
Penis- Squamous cell carcinoma with strong MCM7 immunostaining of tumor cells
Pharynx- Squamous cell carcinoma with strong MCM7 immunostaining of virtually all tumor cells
Prostate- Adenocarcinoma (Gleason 3+3=6) with strong MCM7 immunostaining of a limited number of tumor cells
Salivary gland- Warthin tumor displaying strong MCM7 staining in few epithelial cells and few lymphocytes
Soft tissue- Liposarcoma with strong MCM7 immunostaining of all tumor cells
Stomach- Gastric adenocarcinoma (diffuse type) with moderate to strong MCM7 staining of virtually all tumor cells
Stomach- Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) showing moderate MCM7 staining in a fraction of tumor cells
Testis- Leydig cell tumor with strong MCM7 immunostaining of few tumor cells
Testis- Seminoma with moderate MCM7 positivity of all tumor cells
Thyroid- Medullary cancer with weak to moderate MCM7 positivity of a small fraction of tumor cells
Thyroid- Papillary cancer with moderateto strong MCM7 staining of few tumor cells
Urinary bladder- Muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma depicting strong MCM7 positivity in all tumor cells
Uterus- Leiomyosarcoma showing a strong MCM7 immunostaining of all tumor cells
Uterus, cervix- Squamous cell carcinoma with strong MCM7 immunostaining of tumor cells