Breast- Breast cancer of no special type (NST)- HER2- 1+.
Breast- Breast cancer of no special type (NST)- HER2- 1+.
Breast- Breast cancer of no special type (NST)- HER2- 2+.
Breast- Breast cancer of no special type (NST)- HER2- 2+.
Breast- Breast cancer of no special type (NST)- HER2- 2+.
Breast- Breast cancer of no special type (NST)- HER2- 3+.
Breast- Breast cancer of no special type (NST)- HER2- 3+.
Breast- Breast cancer of no special type (NST)- HER2- 3+.
Breast- HER2 negative invasive breast cancer of no special type (NST).
Breast- HER2 negative invasive breast cancer of no special type (NST).
Colon- HER2 negative colorectal adenocarcinoma.
Esophagus- HER2 negative adenocarcinoma.
Esophagus- HER2 negative squamous cell carcinoma.
Kidney- HER2 negative clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
Kidney- HER2 negative papillary renal cell carcinoma.
Prostate- HER2 negative adenocarcinoma (Gleason 3+3=6).
Stomach- Gastric adenocarcinoma (HER2- 2+)
Stomach- Gastric adenocarcinoma (HER2- 2+).
Stomach- HER2 negative gastric adenocarcinoma.
Stomach- HER2 negative gastric adenocarcinoma.
Stomach- HER2 positive gastric adenocarcinoma (HER2- 3+).