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Primary antibodies
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Cancer Tissue Gallery Desmin
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Kidney- Desmin negative clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
Kidney- Desmin negative clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
Liver- Desmin negative cholangiocellular carcinoma.
Liver- Desmin negative cholangiocellular carcinoma.
Oral cavity- Desmin negative squamous cell carcinoma invading desmin positive fibres of skeletal muscle.
Oral cavity- Desmin negative squamous cell carcinoma invading desmin positive fibres of skeletal muscle.
Ovary- Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor showing desmin immunostaining of a sarcomatoid tumor component.
Ovary- Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor showing desmin immunostaining of a sarcomatoid tumor component.
Pharynx- Desmin negative squamous cell carcinoma invading desmin positive skeletal muscle fibres.
Pharynx- Desmin negative squamous cell carcinoma invading desmin positive skeletal muscle fibres.
Prostate- Desmin negative adenocarcinoma (Gleason 3+3=6). Smooth muscle cells of the prostatic stroma show strong desmin positivity.
Prostate- Desmin negative adenocarcinoma (Gleason 3+3=6). Smooth muscle cells of the prostatic stroma show strong desmin positivity.
Soft tissue- Liposarcoma exhibiting a weak to moderate desmin immunostaining of a small fraction of tumor cells (<3%).
Soft tissue- Liposarcoma exhibiting a weak to moderate desmin immunostaining of a small fraction of tumor cells (<3%).
Soft tissue- Liposarcoma showing a moderate desmin positivity of a fraction of tumor cells.
Soft tissue- Liposarcoma showing a moderate desmin positivity of a fraction of tumor cells.
Soft tissue- Rhabdomyosarcoma showing strong diffuse desmin immunostaining.
Soft tissue- Rhabdomyosarcoma showing strong diffuse desmin immunostaining.
Soft tissue- Strong diffuse desmin positivity of all tumor cells of a rhabdomyosarcoma.
Soft tissue- Strong diffuse desmin positivity of all tumor cells of a rhabdomyosarcoma.
Stomach- Desmin negative gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST).
Stomach- Desmin negative gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST).
Stomach- Diffuse type gastric adenocarcinoma invading desmin positive smooth muscle fibres.
Stomach- Diffuse type gastric adenocarcinoma invading desmin positive smooth muscle fibres.
Stomach- Gastric adenocarcinoma (diffuse type) invading desmin positive smooth muscle fibres.
Stomach- Gastric adenocarcinoma (diffuse type) invading desmin positive smooth muscle fibres.
Stomach- Gastric adenocarcinoma (intestinal type) invading desmin positive smooth muscle fibres.
Stomach- Gastric adenocarcinoma (intestinal type) invading desmin positive smooth muscle fibres.
Testis- Desmin negative seminoma.
Testis- Desmin negative seminoma.
Thyroid- Desmin negative papillary carcinoma.
Thyroid- Desmin negative papillary carcinoma.
Urinary bladder- Desmin negative muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma. Desmin immunostaining delineates elements of the muscular bladder wall.
Urinary bladder- Desmin negative muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma. Desmin immunostaining delineates elements of the muscular bladder wall.
Urinary bladder- Desmin negative small cell carcinoma invading desmin positive smooth muscle fibres of the tunica muscularis.
Urinary bladder- Desmin negative small cell carcinoma invading desmin positive smooth muscle fibres of the tunica muscularis.
Urinary bladder- Desmin negative urothelial carcinoma. Desmin immunostaining highlights elements of the muscular bladder wall invaded by the tumor.
Urinary bladder- Desmin negative urothelial carcinoma. Desmin immunostaining highlights elements of the muscular bladder wall invaded by the tumor.
Uterus- Leiomyoma showing strong desmin immunostaining.
Uterus- Leiomyoma showing strong desmin immunostaining.
Uterus- Leiomyosarcoma exhibiting strong desmin positivity.
Uterus- Leiomyosarcoma exhibiting strong desmin positivity.
Uterus- Leiomyosarcoma with moderate to strong desmin positivity.
Uterus- Leiomyosarcoma with moderate to strong desmin positivity.