Anorectum - Squamous cell carcinoma with moderate to strong KRT13 positivity of suprabasal cells.
Colon - KRT13 negative colorectal adenocarcinoma.
Esophgus - Squamous cell carcinoma with strong diffuse KRT13 positivity.
Kidney - KRT13 negative clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
Larynx - Squamous cell carcinoma with intense KRT13 positivity of suprabasal cells.
Lung - KRT13 negative adenocarcinoma.
Lung - Squamous cell carcinoma with intense KRT13 positivity of all cells. KRT13 staining intensity increases from the basal cell layers to the center of invasive tumor cell nests.
Ovary - Brenner tumor with strong KRT13 positivity of urothelial cells.
Penis - Squamous cell carcinoma exhibiting a strong diffuse KRT13 positivity of all tumor cells.
Pleura - KRT13 negative malignant mesothelioma.
Prostate - KRT13 negative prostatic adenocarcinoma (Gleason 3+3=6).
Salivary gland - Warthin tumor showing intense KRT13 positivity of a small fraction of (suprabasal) cells.
Skin - KRT13 negative basal cell carcinoma.
Skin - Squamous cell carcinoma with scattered KRT13 positive cells showing variable levels of expression (mosaic pattern).
Thyroid - KRT13 negative papillary carcinoma.
Urinary bladder - Non-invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma (pTa) showing strong diffuse KRT13 positivity.
Urinary bladder - Strong KRT13 immunostaining in a muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma.
Uterine cervix - Squamous cell carcinoma showing strong KRT13 expression of suprabasal cells.
Vulva - Squamous cell carcinoma with intense KRT13 immunostaining of all cells.