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Normal Tissue Gallery CD56
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Adrenal gland - Membranous CD56 immunostaining is prominent in the medulla but also occurs – to a lesser degree - in cortical cells.
Adrenal gland – Membranous CD56 immunostaining is prominent in the medulla but also occurs – to a lesser degree – in cortical cells.
Aorta, media
Aorta, media
Appendix, mucosa - Intense CD56 immunostaining of nerve fibres.
Appendix, mucosa – Intense CD56 immunostaining of nerve fibres.
Appendix, muscular wall - Nerve fibres and ganglia show strong CD56 immunostaining.
Appendix, muscular wall – Nerve fibres and ganglia show strong CD56 immunostaining.
Bone marrow
Bone marrow
Bronchus, mucosa
Bronchus, mucosa
Cerebellum (molecular layer, Purkinje cell layer, granule cell layer, white matter) - CD56 immunostaining is particularly strong in neurons, axons and glia cells of the brain.
Cerebellum (molecular layer, Purkinje cell layer, granule cell layer, white matter) – CD56 immunostaining is particularly strong in neurons, axons and glia cells of the brain.
Cerebellum (molecular layer, Purkinje cell layer, granule cell layer, white matter) - CD56 immunostaining is particularly strong in neurons, axons and glia cells of the brain.
Cerebellum (molecular layer, Purkinje cell layer, granule cell layer, white matter) – CD56 immunostaining is particularly strong in neurons, axons and glia cells of the brain.
Cerebrum, grey matter - CD56 immunostaining is particularly strong in neurons, axons and glia cells of the brain.
Cerebrum, grey matter – CD56 immunostaining is particularly strong in neurons, axons and glia cells of the brain.
Cerebrum, white matter - CD56 immunostaining is particularly strong in neurons, axons and glia cells of the brain.
Cerebrum, white matter – CD56 immunostaining is particularly strong in neurons, axons and glia cells of the brain.
Colon descendens, mucosa - Variable intensity CD56 immunostaining of nerve fibres.
Colon descendens, mucosa – Variable intensity CD56 immunostaining of nerve fibres.
Colon descendens, muscular wall - Nerve fibres and ganglia exhibit strong CD56 immunostaining.
Colon descendens, muscular wall – Nerve fibres and ganglia exhibit strong CD56 immunostaining.
Duodenum, Brunner gland - A moderate CD56 immunostaining of basolateral membranes of epithelial cells of Brunner glands can be seen.
Duodenum, Brunner gland – A moderate CD56 immunostaining of basolateral membranes of epithelial cells of Brunner glands can be seen.
Duodenum, mucosa - Nerve fibres stain CD56 positive in the mucosa.
Duodenum, mucosa – Nerve fibres stain CD56 positive in the mucosa.
Epididymis - A membranous CD56 immunostaining occurs in the cauda (and not the corpus) epididymis_
Epididymis – A membranous CD56 immunostaining occurs in the cauda (and not the corpus) epididymis_
Esophagus, squamous epithelium - Scattered CD56 positive lymphocytes can be seen.
Esophagus, squamous epithelium – Scattered CD56 positive lymphocytes can be seen.
Fallopian tube, mucosa
Fallopian tube, mucosa
Gallbladder, epithelium - CD56 immunostaining of nerve fibres.
Gallbladder, epithelium – CD56 immunostaining of nerve fibres.
Heart muscle - CD56 immunostaining of membreans of heart muscle is not seen by other CD56 antibodies and thus considered an (tolerable) cross-reactivity.
Heart muscle – CD56 immunostaining of membreans of heart muscle is not seen by other CD56 antibodies and thus considered an (tolerable) cross-reactivity.
Ileum, mucosa - Nerve fibres stain CD56 positive in the mucosa.
Ileum, mucosa – Nerve fibres stain CD56 positive in the mucosa.
Ileum, mucosa - Nerve fibres stain CD56 positive in the mucosa.
Ileum, mucosa – Nerve fibres stain CD56 positive in the mucosa.
Kidney, cortex
Kidney, cortex
Kidney, medulla
Kidney, medulla
Liver - A moderate CD56 staining can occur in small periportal and to a lesser degree in portal bile ducts of the liver.
Liver – A moderate CD56 staining can occur in small periportal and to a lesser degree in portal bile ducts of the liver.
Liver - A weak to moderate CD56 immunostaining can be seen in cells lining sinusoids.
Liver – A weak to moderate CD56 immunostaining can be seen in cells lining sinusoids.
Lymph node - Scattered CD56 positive lymphocytes can be seen in lymph nodes.
Lymph node – Scattered CD56 positive lymphocytes can be seen in lymph nodes.
Ovary, stroma - Stroma cells show a strong membranous CD56 immunostaining.
Ovary, stroma – Stroma cells show a strong membranous CD56 immunostaining.
Pancreas - Few small intraparenchymal ducts and a fraction of the islet cells show weak to moderate membranous CD56 immunostaining.
Pancreas – Few small intraparenchymal ducts and a fraction of the islet cells show weak to moderate membranous CD56 immunostaining.
Parathyroid gland
Parathyroid gland
Parotid gland - Nerve fibres stain CD56 positive.
Parotid gland – Nerve fibres stain CD56 positive.
Pituitary gland, posterior lobe - A strong CD56 immunostaining is seen in the neurohypophysis_
Pituitary gland, posterior lobe – A strong CD56 immunostaining is seen in the neurohypophysis_
Pituitary, anterior lobe
Pituitary, anterior lobe
Placenta (amnion and chorion)
Placenta (amnion and chorion)
Placenta, early
Placenta, early
Placenta, mature
Placenta, mature
Prostate - Nerve fibres show CD56 immunostaining.
Prostate – Nerve fibres show CD56 immunostaining.
Rectum, mucosa - CD56 positivity of nerve fibres.
Rectum, mucosa – CD56 positivity of nerve fibres.
Seminal vesicle - Nerve fibres show CD56 immunostaining.
Seminal vesicle – Nerve fibres show CD56 immunostaining.
Sinus paranasales - A moderate to strong membranous CD56 immunostaining occurs in a fraction of (non-basal) cells of the respiratory epithelium.
Sinus paranasales – A moderate to strong membranous CD56 immunostaining occurs in a fraction of (non-basal) cells of the respiratory epithelium.
Skeletal muscle - A cytoplasmic staining of skeletal muscle cells can occasionally be seen and is considered a (tolerable) cross-reactivity.
Skeletal muscle – A cytoplasmic staining of skeletal muscle cells can occasionally be seen and is considered a (tolerable) cross-reactivity.
Skeletal muscle
Skeletal muscle
Somach, antrum - A moderate to strong membranous CD56 immunostaining occurs in most glandular cells of the stomach.
Somach, antrum – A moderate to strong membranous CD56 immunostaining occurs in most glandular cells of the stomach.
Spleen - Scattered CD56 positive lymphocytes can be seen in the spleen.
Spleen – Scattered CD56 positive lymphocytes can be seen in the spleen.
Stomach, corpus - A moderate to strong membranous CD56 immunostaining occurs in most glandular cells of the stomach.
Stomach, corpus – A moderate to strong membranous CD56 immunostaining occurs in most glandular cells of the stomach.
Testis - Strong membranous CD56 immunostaining of Leydig cells.
Testis – Strong membranous CD56 immunostaining of Leydig cells.
Thyroid gland - A strong membranous CD56 immunostaining of follicle cells is seen in the thyroid.
Thyroid gland – A strong membranous CD56 immunostaining of follicle cells is seen in the thyroid.
Tonsil - Scattered CD56 positive lymphocytes can be seen in in the tonsil.
Tonsil – Scattered CD56 positive lymphocytes can be seen in in the tonsil.
Tonsil, surface epithelium
Tonsil, surface epithelium
Urinary bladder, muscular wall - A dense net of CD56 positive nerve fibres is seen.
Urinary bladder, muscular wall – A dense net of CD56 positive nerve fibres is seen.
Urinary bladder, urothelium
Urinary bladder, urothelium
Uterus, ectocervix
Uterus, ectocervix
Uterus, endocervix
Uterus, endocervix
Uterus, endometrium (pregnancy) - CD56 positive NK-cells are particularly frequent in the endometrium_
Uterus, endometrium (pregnancy) – CD56 positive NK-cells are particularly frequent in the endometrium_
Uterus, endometrium (proliferation) - CD56 positive NK-cells regularly occur in the endometrium.
Uterus, endometrium (proliferation) – CD56 positive NK-cells regularly occur in the endometrium.
Uterus, endometrium (secretion) - CD56 positive NK-cells are particularly frequent in the endometrium.
Uterus, endometrium (secretion) – CD56 positive NK-cells are particularly frequent in the endometrium.
Uterus, myometrium - A weak to moderate CD56 immunostaining occurs in muscle fibres of the myometrium
Uterus, myometrium – A weak to moderate CD56 immunostaining occurs in muscle fibres of the myometrium