Adrenal gland
Aorta, media
Appendix, mucosa
Appendix, muscular wall
Bone marrow
Bronchus, mucosa
Cerebellum (white matter) – Weak staining may be related to prolonged fixation of ths sample
Cerebellum, cortex (molecular layer, Purkinje cell layer, granule cell layer, white matter) – Weak staining may be related to prolonged fixation of ths sample
Cerebrum, grey matter – CBP staining is weak or absent in neuronal cells (weak staining may be related to prolonged fixation of ths sample)
Cerebrum, white matter – Weak staining may be related to prolonged fixation of ths sample
Colon descendens, muscular wall
Duodenum, mucosa
Epididymis (Caput)
Esophagus, squamous epithelium – In squamous epithelium, the CBP staining intensity decreases slightly from the basal to the superficial cell layers
Fallopian tube, mucosa
Gallbladder, epithelium
Heart muscle
Ileum, mucosa
Kidney, cortex – Only weak CBP staining intensity of some tubular cells (1)
Kidney, cortex – Only weak CBP staining intensity of some tubular cells (2)
Kidney, medulla
Liver – Only weak CBP staining intensity in hepatocytes in this sample
Liver – Strong nuclear CBP positivity of hepatocytes in this sample
Lymph node
Ovary, corpus luteum
Ovary, stroma
Parathyroid gland
Parotid gland
Pituitary gland, anterior lobe – CBP staining is weak or absent in epithelial cells
Pituitary gland, posterior lobe
Placenta (amnion and chorion)
Placenta, early
Placenta, mature – CBP staining is weak or absent in trophoblastic cells
Rectum, mucosa – In colonic epithelium, the CBP staining intensity decreases slightly from the crypt base to the surface epithelium (1)
Rectum, mucosa – In colonic epithelium, the CBP staining intensity decreases slightly from the crypt base to the surface epithelium (2)
Seminal vesicle
Sinus paranasales
Skeletal muscle
Skin – In squamous epithelium, the CBP staining intensity decreases slightly from the basal to the superficial cell layers
Skin, hairfollicel and sebaceous glands
Stomach, antrum – Faint CBP staining of gastric glands
Stomach, antrum – Rather weak CBP staining of gastric epithelial cells
Sublingual gland
Testis – CBP staining intensity decreases during the maturation of spermatocytes. Spermatids are CBP negative
Thyroid gland
Tonsil, surface epithelium – In squamous epithelium, the CBP staining intensity decreases slightly from the basal to the superficial cell layers
Urinary bladder, muscular wall
Urinary bladder, urothelium
Uterus, ectocervix – In squamous epithelium, the CBP staining intensity decreases slightly from the basal to the superficial cell layers
Uterus, endocervix
Uterus, endometrium (pregnancy)
Uterus, endometrium (proliferation)
Uterus, endometrium (secretion) – Only weak CBP staining intensity of some glandular cells